Ukulele Chords - Study Licks In C-Major

Ukulele Chords - Study Licks In C-Major

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So you have decided to play the ukulele. Good for you! The ukulele is a fun instrument, and with a little bit of work can be learned by anyone. Since it's small it is also easy to take with you and practice anywhere. So the big question is: what is the best ukulele for beginners? Should you spend a lot of money or should you pick up the cheapest one you can get your hands on. What are the different sizes and which one should you get?

Play slow, very slow. Imagine you're a snail and the strings are the road and play it as slow as you can. You will get the correct rhythm, you won't make mistakes that later on would be very difficult to address and try to increase the speed gradually over time, even if Ukulele for sale in uk now it doesn't sound very good.

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The Ukulele resembles a small guitar with a fretted fingerboard and four strings that are picked or strummed. There are four common sizes. The soprano or standard size is the smallest and was developed first. The The concert ukulele was developed in the 1920's and it is slightly larger and louder with a more deeper tone than the soprano. The tenor Ukulele with its increased size, greater volume and deeper bass tone was developed shortly after. In the 1940's the largest size called the baritone was developed. Some less common ukuleles are the sopranino and bass.

Actually you can play this melody with the use of the above Ukulele for sale tab notation on a guitar also. The first three strings are tuned the same way but not in the same pitch.

The Concert ukulele is slightly larger, about 22-24 inches, and has a slightly bigger sound than the Soprano. Because of the relatively smaller size, this is a good size for women and men who have smaller hands.

We haven't used the fourth string in this melody but you can listen to the two notes 3/2 and 0/4. These two notes should have the same pitch if you have tuned the ukulele correctly.

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